all donations, bequests, Legacies, devises, transfers, and gifts are tax deductible

Mountain City & Trade TN
After Hurricane Helene

In Johnson County alone, Hurricane Helene has left over 100 homes damaged or destroyed, and we are still awaiting updates on the number of families displaced in the northwestern corridor of North Carolina. Winter has arrived, yet many are still without homes or adequate living conditions. 

This impoverished and sparsely populated area has largely been overlooked by the media and neglected by political visitors. Homes have been destroyed, churches washed away, and roads obliterated, leaving many residents cut off from essential services. 

Despite these hardships, the residents of Johnson County are resilient and determined, doing everything in their power to support one another. Farmers with tractors have come together, and neighbors armed with chainsaws have tirelessly worked to clear the devastation caused by fallen trees. 

United, the community remains dedicated to assisting those affected by Hurricane Helene as best they can. You have the opportunity to be a beacon of hope for them.

GWA is forward-thinking and actively seeks donations to support long-term housing initiatives. We will take nothing out of the donations that come in to support this effort. We know of at least one big-hearted individual that is willing to help establish housing for those in need, by allowing the use of her land, but this comes at a cost. We have forged relationships with companies that have provided quotes for constructing container houses, biodomes, and tiny houses. In the spring, we will begin setting up sustainable community fruit and vegetable gardens around the homes. 

 If this initiative resonates with you, we encourage you to connect with us.  We are happy to share our contacts and arrange meetings to discuss how we can collectively move forward. 

In the meantime, be aware that there are incredible individuals still actively engaged in cleanup efforts, preparing and delivering meals, and assisting other organizations to help in other ways. Rebuilding is a lengthy process, and those working diligently to provide solutions are focused on ensuring continued safety and security for all involved.

Consider making a donation today! Every contribution counts. Thank you!

Continuing Initiatives

Currently in progress!

Perpetual Seed Bank 
& Seed Library

GWA will help to Catch, Package, Store and Share Seeds with Johnson County residents via a local seed library and perpetual seed bank. 

Essential now more than ever!

Take action. Collaborate & Build Stronger Communities 

Network with GWA to volunteer/share your skills and expertise to build a stronger, healthier community.

Always in our hearts and indispensable!

Animal Caregiver Support

"Join us in supporting dedicated animal caregivers who tirelessly work to save, rehabilitate, and rehome deserving animals in need of love."

Donating is important

"Join us in creating a resilient Johnson County - secure our future and thrive in Appalachia."